Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm IT!!!!

I was tagged by my dear friend Rose, so here are 6 random facts about me!

1. I LOVE Britney Spears, I know she cant sing well, but that doesn't matter. I have all her songs on my ipod and I LOVE IT! I even have a dance routine that I do to the song TOXIC when I clean my house! (DORK)

2. I am addicted to Sonic Unsweetened Tea! I drink it every single day!

3. I want a College Degree in Journalism, Radio, Television, and Film, and Photography.

4. I dislike it when people who are not parents find it neccessary to give me parenting advice!

5. I have been "diagnosed" with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis


1 comment:

Rose said...

I love your list! Especially the unwanted advice!